Online Shopping & Reselling - Shop Fashion, Apparels etc. at Lowest India’s Favo...
Online Shopping & Reselling - Shop Fashion, Apparels etc. at Lowest India’s Favorite One-stop Online ShopDont miss out on DressMore.ins Maha Indian Savings Sale on 3rd April, Shop and Get up to70% off , so start Shopping at LOWEST prices and Grab BEST quality products.You can now shop for yourself or earn money online, both using the same App! offers stylish top quality lifestyle products at the lowest wholesale prices, allowingyou to shop online at any budget. You can also resell products to your friends and family. Startyour Online Business with Zero Investment today! Work from home and earn money online withjust a phone. If you are wondering what makes the top online shopping app, takea look at the list below.1. High-Quality Products at Lowest Prices Place your orders from an amazing network of wholesalers across India that supply the bestfashion and lifestyle products, at prices you will love. Since all the products on the DressMore.inapp are sourced directly from suppliers and manufacturers, you will get them at wholesaleprices.2. Exclusive First Order DiscountsNow, you can avail a 15% discount (upto Rs. 50) on your first order. All new users can avail thisoffer on their first purchase irrespective of order value or product categories.3. Speed Delivery/ Speed offers Speed Delivery on all orders with no minimum order value.4. Cash On Delivery (COD) and, Pay on Delivery (POD) products are available for Cash On Delivery (COD). You can choose to pay afterreceiving the product.5. Speed Returns/RefundsWe offer a 7-Day Speed Return & Refund Policy with which you will get the money back, noquestions asked. With these policies, online shopping and earning money through reselling is asafe experience!6. 100% Safe & Timely Payments Our payment gateways are safe, secure & quick for online payments. Your online transactionsand payment details are safeguarded. Your commission is transferred automatically into yourbank account, thrice a month. Huge Variety Of Products In Every CategoryIf you are looking for good quality products at lowest prices, you are at the right place. Choosefrom over 1 crore+ top quality products from over 650+ categories like women’s fashion, men’sfashion, latest kid’s fashion, accessories, home & kitchen essentials, beauty & health essentials,etc. How to Shop on the AppDownload the App to shop for products in different categories. DressMore.inonline App offers you the lowest wholesale prices on products, which are sourced directly fromsuppliers. You can buy anything for your household needs. With shopping options under ₹99, ₹200, ₹500, app is the perfect shopping partner.How to Resell on the App and Earn Money(in 3 simple steps)1. Browse - Sign up on to browse through a variety of stylish high quality lifestyleproducts at wholesale prices.2. Share - Once you find a product you want to sell, share it with your friends, family andexisting customer networks on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook to start getting orders.3. Earn - Once you get orders, add your profit margin to the wholesale price of the products,collect the payment from your customer, and place orders for them. In case of Cash On Delivery(COD), your profit margin will be transferred to your bank account. offers a seamless shopee-ing experience with amazing money-saving dealsacross all shopping categories. Shop with us to save some money while shopping withoutcompromising on the quality of the product!So, what are you waiting for? Start shopping online or earning money online now! Have AHappy Online Shopping Experience and A Successful Reselling Journey!